Chriso singing at a Karaoke social.

Can you choose your bedtime? The Stay Up Late Survey

Have Your Say: the Stay Up Late Survey

At Stay Up Late, we believe that everyone should have the freedom to live life on their own terms. Our ‘No Bedtimes’ campaign is all about ensuring that people with learning disabilities and autistic people have the same opportunities as everyone else to enjoy nightlife, social events, and personal choice.

We recently asked about what you thought of our work, now we want to know how you spend your evenings, and whether you (or the people you support) are able to choose your own bedtimes.

So we’ve put together a short survey – it won’t take longer than five minutes. We’d really appreciate it if you would share it with people living and working in care, as we want to get a good picture of what people’s lives look like.

Every response will help us better understand how we can support people working and living in care to have richer social lives.

Take our survey

Please click on the link below and fill out our online survey or download our easy read survey and send it to

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