Training to Transform Support Work
Training to Transform Support Work
Read on to get involved in our values-based training idea
You don’t have to have the word ‘manager’ in your job title to be a leader. Many support workers are natural leaders and ensure a great working culture, making a great place to live for the people they support.
These leaders naturally focus on ensuring every day is as good as possible for that person.
?What’s going wrong?
Despite this, something seems to be going wrong; the more and more we talk to people about why they can’t stay out late at events, we are told that it’s the staff who can’t work flexibly. This problem is primarily due to management not creating a culture where it is the default that staff must be flexible, but it doesn’t stop there.
Why aren’t support workers feeling able to question the culture they’re living in?
Why aren’t they able to challenge management and make things better for everyone?
How to Change this?
We are proposing to develop some values-based training around this. The plan is to create a day-long workshop that is for people who are new to their role and for existing support workers.
The focus will be on the role of the support worker as an enabler, a community connector and a leader in making great (and often simple) things happen for the people they support.
We will spend the day re-igniting our fires and providing free tools and tips to enable everyone to make great things happen for the people they support.
Focussing on small and medium support providers
First, we will aim these sessions at organisations who may find it hard to fund it themselves and will be applying for funding.
Are you from a small provider organisation?
Would you be interested in us working with you?
We need to re-focus the role of the support worker.
It’s not the best-paid job, but it is a brilliant job and a huge privilege to be part of someone’s life.
Get in touch if you want to join our mission to help improve peoples’ lives.