

Here’s a short message from the commissioning team at East Sussex County Council who’ve shared how we’ve enabled them to incorporate the ideas behind Stay Up Late in to their work and make change on a countywide scale…

The  Stay up late campaign clearly addresses issues we hear a lot about from people with learning disabilities. Because of this,  the Involvement Matters Team (the user-group who advise the council) added this sentence to the Involvement Matters Team Challenges.

“All staff rotas in services need to be written to support the needs of service users not staff, in line with the values of the Stay up Late campaign”.

The challenges  were used as goals for providers in  the East Sussex Learning Disability Commissioning Strategy.

The team also added…

The Learning Disability Commissioning team in East Sussex agree that it is important to have person centred services that work in  creative and flexible ways which are conducive to people living the lives they want. The stay up late campaign challenges services to ensure that  people with learning disabilities have opportunities for a healthy social life and to enjoy the benefits of personalised support..

We’re hoping we can build on stories like this and help share work being done by groups like The Involvement Matters Team in East Sussex with similar groups across the country.

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