Quality Checker update!

We have visited houses in Seaford, Portslade, Hove and most recently visited Crawley.

The reason why we do our visits is because we want to know what the people with disabilities think about their support and what it is like and if they are involved in their community and have a social life. We want people to get the most out of their lives and do what they want to do.

We think at first we were nervous, but we think the visits went great as we were very prepared for them. Some of us had more experience than others, we worked as a team to help each other. We think that if you work as a team you can get a lot done.

We think the best thing about the visits is that the questions we ask to the staff and people with disabilities make sure we get very useful information. We use that to think of actions, this will help to improve support and we hope to make a big difference.

Difficult things at the vists were, seeing the different environments people live in and seeing the support they might need which was new to some of us. Trying to understand different disabilities and support needs. Understanding boundaries, what we can and can’t do as professionals as this project was new to us. Visiting people with different communication needs can feel like a challenge but we tried our best to make sure that they could get their voices heard. Understanding what you need to look out for and your tasks and job role as it is a new job at Stay Up Late. Finally making notes at the same time as interviewing people and keeping up with what people are saying. It was all very worth it!

We also held feedback meetings. First as a team we talk about your own feelings and findings about the support that we saw and heard about to your our other team mates.

We then hold a meeting at the house we have visited and give them feedback. At this meeting there is the quality team, the service manager and Carol from Southdown we all attend the feedback meeting. At the meeting we talk about what we found out at the visit.

We share what the family and advocates have told us through their surveys. It is also a chance for Carol and the service manager to also have their say. We then as a group decide actions coming out of the visits

We have just finished off our reports for the 4 houses.We try to make this report as easy read as possible so more people can read and understand it. We have also been making video reports for all 4 houses.Only the people who have given consent will be on the film from the quality team others will help with the filming and editing of the videos. We always try to work as a good team.

Jason, Andrew, Lucy & Rohan – Stay Up Late Quality Checkers

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