Our Manifesto for an Ordinary Life is all about human rights

New human rights toolkit for the Stay Up Late manifesto

Those of you who have been keeping an eye on our campaigning work at Stay Up Late know that some time back we launched our very own manifesto – A Manifesto for an Ordinary Life. It has eight points that people with learning disabilities told us are important to them in terms of how they want to live their lives.

We now have news of an exciting new project we are working on with the law firm Leigh Day.

As Daniel Randall-Nason, one of our Stay Up Late Ambassadors, puts it:

“At our Ambassadors meeting we had Catriona from Leigh Day with us and we were talking about the Manifesto and getting everyone’s ideas. It was great to see everyone. It will be good to work with Catriona.”

What will that work involve?

Catriona from Leigh Day explains as follows:

“We want to do some work with Stay Up Late all about your manifesto. I specialise in an area of law called human rights and we want to talk about how human rights match up to the points in your manifesto and how we can make a legal toolkit which we hope will be useful for people with learning disabilities.”

We are very excited about this project which we think will be a huge boost to our campaigning.

As another of our Ambassadors Andrew Walker puts it:

“People with a learning disability are just like anybody else. We should be treated the same.”

You can read more about the Manifesto for an Ordinary Life here.

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