#NoBedtimes campaigning with Seeability
By Daniel Randall-Nason
Stay Up Late Ambassador, Daniel Randall-Nason, and Stay Up Late Campaigns Co-ordinator, Darren Johnson, travelled to Basingstoke to run a workshop for Seeability who provide specialist support for people with learning disabilities, autism and sight loss. This is Daniel’s report of the day.
Today we have been to Basingstoke to the Seeability conference and I spoke about my life experiences and my work with the Stay Up Late campaign and Gig Buddies. I am looking forward to working with Scott Watkins and the Taking Control group at Seeability. Seeability provides support to people with sight problems and learning disabilities.
We were talking about #NoBedtimes campaigning and we went round the room asking people about their experiences of staying up late. One person said they were out until one in the morning and one woman went to see strippers!
Some people had problems with shift times but one support worker said she stayed on an extra hour to support the person. We also talked about the Stay Up Late fact sheet for managers. The fact sheet has eight easy steps for a No Bedtimes rota.

On behalf of Darren and I, we would like to thank Scott and his team for inviting us today. We cleared out the buffet table for the train journey home!

Find out more about Seeability here