Man smiling, caption saying 'Punks In The Community, social innovation

Our new social innovation blog: Punks In The Community

Launching Punks In The Community: Our new blog on social innovation

Through the years, we’ve gained extensive knowledge on starting a charity, social innovation, building a successful social franchise, campaigning for social change, and generating ideas to improve the lives of people with learning disabilities. That’s why we’ve decided to launch Punks In The Community, our new blog focussing on social innovation.

Paul, our Executive Director, will use the blog to share what we’ve learned, our thoughts and some stories from the Heavy Load vaults of anarchy and mayhem. All of which have informed our work.

Here’s a taster of what’s we’ve written about so far…

Using social innovation to create culture shifts in social care

How radical shifts in social care are essential if we’re going to improve lives for people with learning disabilities. Support should cater to individuals’ needs, not the support provider’s systems. We look at the need to embrace curiosity, use our communities, and the need for resourcefulness to overcome barriers like lack of motivation, safety concerns, and accessibility issues.

» The one ingredient needed to be truly person-centred

(spoiler alert, it’s also totally free!)

And here we suggest forgetting ‘Person Centred Planning’ altogether and instead trying ‘Person Centred Dreaming’.

» Is person-centred planning delivering? Our simple way to supercharge it

Heavy Load

Heavy Load band live on stage, singer leaping in the air, social innovation

The story of Heavy Load is why our charity, Stay Up Late, began. We’ll look back at some of their funny stories.

» Heavy Load’s weird expletive fuelled journey to stardom

And here’s one about a wild night of punk rock at Berlin’s ‘No Limits’ festival. A memorable night of punk mayhem.

» Punk Rock In Berlin – A Night Of Energy And Chaos

Go ahead punks, make our day

Man wearing Stay Up Late t-shirt and showing tattoo on neck, social innovation

We hope you enjoy reading these articles and find them helpful. And feel free to comment on them or drop us a line if you want to pick our brains more on anything we talk about.

We’ll be publishing more in a probably quite random fashion when we next think of something we really think we’d like to share. In other words we’ll be keeping it spontaneous, we’ll be keeping it punk!

Sign-up to our newsletter for regular updates on the work of our charity or also subscribe to Punks In The Community to read the latest posts.

Keep it punk! Take the punk approach to social innovation

Punks In The Community is all about sharing our approach to make things happen, and to make it happen quickly. Read how we did this successfully, and also failed, at the same time here >>> National Stay Up Late day

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