‘Life after lockdown’ advice sheet: what support will people need?

Life after lockdown – new easy read guide

What support will people with learning disabilities need to feel independent again?

With the help of our Stay Up Late Ambassadors we have launched a new Easy Read guide to assist individuals, carers and support providers.

The Covid pandemic has meant that people have not been able to do some of their favourite things for a very long time. As people get vaccinated and as places started reopening we can start to feel excited about doing those things again.

We know many people with learning disabilities are also feeling a bit nervous about things, too. People may not have travelled independently or been on public transport for over a year. People might be feeling anxious about going back to crowded places like gigs and clubs – even though they used to really enjoy them.

Download our new advice sheet

With help from our Stay Up Late Ambassadors we have put together the following Easy Read guide. Download it here

Life After Lockdown – Advice Sheet – Easy Read

We have some tips for helping people feel more independent again. We also have some advice for support providers so people get the support they need. We want all support providers to recognise that people may need extra help to start doing some of the things they used to really enjoy doing, once again.

As one of our Stay Up Late Ambassadors, Jason O’Neil wrote in a blog for us recently:

“People who are living in residential homes might not be comfortable going out for the first time for over a year after COVID. I think they need to get support to feel more independent. You don’t want them to feel less independent.”

Support our #NoBedtimes campaign

As places start re-opening we’ll be pushing our #NoBedtimes campaign harder than ever. We don’t want to go back to the bad old days where people with learning disabilities were excluded from doing the things they wanted to do.

Find out more about our #NoBedtimes campaign here

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