Latitude recap by Rohan

Rohan was one of the Gig Buddies participants who came with us to Latitude Festival this year. Rohan and 4 other participants worked as access stewards, thanks to our partnership with Attitude is Everything, who run an info tent in the accessible campsite staffed by Deaf and disabled volunteers, and Oxfam Stewarding who co-ordinate the accessible viewing platforms.

This is Rohan’s story he’s put together looking back at the festival through twitter.

Latitude Recap

This is what happened at Latitude.

Here is the steward crew looking forward to the weekend.

A long nap before rewarding begins

Off for some drinks

Our food for the weekend

Our steward checklist

Lunch break hungry team

The point of Staying Up Late

The next day at Latitude

Supporting adults with learning disabilities to party

Kate about to enjoy watching The Killers

Food and more music

An amazing night so far

Late night dinner after more dance

Stewarding in action

A final dance the night away

Our last meal at Latitude

My favourite bit of the festival

Rohan Lowe

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