Gig Buddies is a year old today!

  •  PaulR
  •  14/01/2014
  •  News

Even though we officially launched Gig Buddies on 23rd March ’13 it was exactly a year ago today that Madeline started as Project Manager, and we’ve now got over 30 volunteers going to gigs with people with learning disabilities in Brighton and Hove and East Sussex – and plenty more people signing up as we speak. What a year that’s been!

And as a nice present in our mailbox today we got this image from some third year medical students at Liverpool University. They created a poster about positive attitudes towards disability for their end of rotation presentation – and they won too.



poster with contacts copy 2

It’s always inspiring for us here at Stay Up Late to find how people have heard our message (in this case someone who saw Heavy Load promoting Stay Up Late in Northampton back in 2007) and find new ways of engaging people in hearing positive messages about enabling people with disabilities to be fully involved in their communities.



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