Getting Back Out There: Glyndebourne
Getting Back Out There at Glyndebourne
About our trips with a group of Gig Buddies to get back out there at the amazing Glyndebourne Opera House.
In December, a group of us were lucky to be offered some tickets to the Glyndebourne Christmas Performance. Thank you, Glyndebourne! It was a great outing and people really got into the Christmas spirit. We enjoyed it so much we wanted to go again, and we spoke about feeling inspired to try new shows we wouldn’t normally go to. One person even said, “this has made me want to go and see an opera, and I never thought I’d say that!”
Another said “I loved watching everyone in the orchestra play the instruments. This has inspired me to join a choir or a band again”. Not bad for a day out! The final flair was a fantastic singalong that we all got behind with gusto (and perfect pitch, ahem).
Planning ahead
The show set the tone for the upcoming festivities and was made all the more enjoyable by the fact that we had already explored the venue and knew what to expect.
In September, we visited Glyndebourne’s Open Garden Day. We explored the gardens, which were very beautiful, and learnt about the great history of the building and grounds. One of the highlights was getting to see backstage and inside the auditorium whilst it was empty.
Following COVID and the lockdowns, many of us have had some worries about getting back out there and doing the things we did before lockdown. One of our ambassadors’ top tips for building confidence is to visit a venue beforehand, if possible, at a calmer, less busy time. This means that when it’s showtime, you know where you need to go, how you can keep yourself feeling safe and can focus on the fun instead!
Take it slow
We put this to the test with Glyndebourne and found that everyone felt comfortable when we visited again for the Christmas Performance. Having the opportunity to explore venues, with Open Days like Glyndebourne’s, or creating your own just by going to check it out at a less busy time, is a really good way to build your confidence.
Don’t forget we all struggled with lockdown, and it’s okay to take it slow and make sure you feel as comfortable as possible while you get back into the habit of going out.