Daniel reports from the TEDx Brighton conference
Daniel Randall-Nason is an Ambassador for Stay Up Late and is also a trustee of the charity. As part of the Stay Up Late team’s delegation at the recent TEDx conference in Brighton, Daniel reports back and looks forward to more conferences.
Daniel reports from the TEDx Brighton conference

Because of Covid, the TEDx conference in Brighton was my first real-life conference in over two years. I’ve been to lots of meetings and conferences in little boxes on the computer screen but it was exciting to be going to a proper conference again.
I thought the speakers were good. With some of them I wasn’t quite sure what they were talking about, especially when they showed us complicated graphs that were hard to follow, but others were really good.

The first talk about happiness was really good, all about being happy at work. I also really liked the talk from the fashion designer who was making clothes especially designed for disabled people. I was a bit surprised she wasn’t wearing her own designs though. I would have liked to have seen her wearing some of the clothes she designed.

After the morning session we broke for lunch and our team from Stay Up Late went to a Mexican restaurant. The restaurant mucked up my order so I ended up getting double portions for no extra charge. Our team organiser, Holly, didn’t give us enough time to order pudding, though, as we would have been late back. We had cakes on the train home instead.

After lunch we had two talks from women talking about space travel. We then had a guy talking about reducing our plastic use although we knew that anyway as we’ve done our own Green Charter.

I really enjoyed myself going to a proper conference again. It was good practice for when I give my own talk at a conference in Cheshire in June where I’ll be talking about Stay Up Late and the #NoBedtimes campaign. TEDx Brighton has really put me in the mood for proper conferences again.
Daniel Randall-Nason
More on TEDx
Back in 2017 Stay Up Late’s Director, Paul Richards, gave his own TED talk at Brighton TEDx. Watch it here: