“Being digitally connected has boosted my morale and positivity”
New video from Stay Up Late and Disability Arts Online
Stay Up Late Ambassadors discuss digital inclusion
We were delighted to be asked by Disability Arts Online to make a video talking about what we’ve been doing at Stay Up Late and Gig Buddies during lockdown. Three of our Stay Up Late Ambassadors, Sophie, Daniel and Simon, talk about how being connected to people online has made a massive difference while pubs and bars and music venues remain closed because of Covid-19.
Boosting morale
Sophie Hinksman: “I’ve learnt a lot through digital inclusion and luckily for us it’s been really good that we’ve had smartphones and ipads and I’ve learnt how to get on Zoom and Messenger and Skype. “
“During lockdown I have not been very well because of my anxiety and stuff. But by being digitally connected and being around people it has boosted my morale and positivity.”
Zoom and go!
When lockdown first began in March last year Daniel felt very isolated because he didn’t have a smartphone or a computer.
Daniel Randall-Nason: “It was sad because I couldn’t see anyone and I was lonely and a bit sad, continually. I was cut off from the outside world completely.”
“I went and bought a laptop. One of my carers, Tom, helped me set it all up and get it all going. It was quite exciting because it was just fun to get on Zoom and press on Zoom and go!”
Daniel’s own experience was one of the reasons why we launched a fundraising project to provide smartphones for people who were not digitally connected and couldn’t take part in online activities.
Help people get connected
Simon stresses that helping make sure people with a learning disability are not digitally excluded is an important issue.
Simon Richards: “The last thing you want in a time like this is for people to be isolated, home alone being bored, depressed and miserable. Because that is just as damaging to people’s health as coronavirus. With a lot of our groups doing all or most of our activities on Zoom or other means, it’s vital to help people who might not be able to afford the tablet or other means of getting connected to do that.”
You can view the full video here
Disability Arts Online is an organisation led by disabled people to advance disability arts and culture. You can read more about them here