Annual General Meeting – what the ambassadors thought
Annual General Meeting – what the ambassadors thought
This year the discussion at our Annual General Meeting was led by our team of Stay Up Late Ambassadors. (A group of campaigners with learning disabilities from around the UK, all committed to improving lives for people with learning disabilities).
They presented their new 10 campaign pledges, the things that they feel are the most important things to campaign about at the moment and then we had a discussion about ways in which we can spread the word further and get more people involved to change things for the better.
Here’s what they’ve come up with.
- Speaking at conferences to spread the word
- More Heavy Load Film nights on Zoom – showing the film and then hosting a discussion
- Doing more local radio interviews and getting publicity in local newspapers
- Getting some No Bedtimes posters printed up for notice boards in supported living, community centres etc.
- Doing more talks for support providers about Stay Up Late and No Bedtimes campaign
- Doing more work with Electric Umbrella
- Lobbying MPs and members of Welsh and Scottish parliaments
- Launching our ten campaign pledges on social media
They also talked about other plans which included:
- An online seminar for local authorities on the No Bedtimes campaign
- Support for launching local Stay Up Late campaign groups such as the new one in the Manchester area (learning from the Stay Up Late Scotland group)
- More training and mentoring sessions in campaign skills, public speaking etc for ambassadors
- A physical national event – Ambassadors Day 2022 when it’s safe to do so
- Building campaign links with newly-formed Gig Buddies projects e.g. Belfast and Bristol to extend our campaigning reach to new areas
- Information stands at local gigs and club nights when it’s safe to do so
- Blogs from ambassadors telling their individual stories
- Update our Green Charter and launch it online based on ambassadors ideas from December meeting
We’ll of course be sharing updates on how all of this work develops over the coming year.