Ambassadors update – Nov ’22
Campaign Ambassadors Update
This is what we spoke about at this month’s ambassadors’ meeting

What should we work on next?
We looked back at all the things we’ve done over the past 3 years so we could think about what we could work on next.
We’ve achieved a lot but a lot of people with learning disabilities are still not living good social lives.

The No Bedtimes campaign
We thought we should think about different ways in which we can get more people involved in the campaign.
We also thought we should think about different fun and creative ways to get our message across.

Telling our story
We thought other ways we can reach more people are through:
- Making videos
- Making more use of social media
- Running workshops and making things
- Making newsletters
- Making podcasts

Looking at things we’ve already made
We also thought it would be good to look back at all the things we’ve made in the past as we can share these again, lots of people won’t have seen them.
- Videos
- Easier to read guides
- Help sheets for staff
- Posters and leaflets

Next steps
We had so many ideas we decided that our next meeting would be a good time to work on what we’re going to do next.