Stay Up Late Ambassadors

Fighting for the right to party and standing up for people with learning disabilities to live the life they want

The ambassadors are people with learning disabilities from around the UK who want to campaign to change things for the better. Anyone can join.

You  can meet some of the ambassadors below.

Ambassadors No Bedtimes

What we talk about

We meet online to talk about things like

Ways to enable people with learning disabilities to have more control over their lives.

Ways to campaign and change things for the better.

How to get our message out to as wide an audience as possible.


Find out more

There is an Easy Read guide about becoming a Stay Up Late Ambassador – download it here.

If you would like to become an Ambassador you can download the application form here: Stay Up Late Ambassador – Application Form

Let us know if you would like to be an Ambassador for Stay Up Late.

Ambassadors meetings

Read what we’ve been talking about in our meetings.

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